A.I., A.I., A.I. (A.I.)
A.I., A.I., A.I., A.I.
A.I., A.I., A.I., A.I.
(Ooh) A.I., (Ooh) A.I., (Ooh) A.I., (Ooh) A.I.
(Ooh) A.I., (Ooh) A.I., (Ooh) A.I., (Ooh) A.I.

I don't wanna be the one to bear the bad news
But a man who's claiming he's the man ain't a man at all
Overcompensating for the lack of ability
To really be an icon, not even a bygone
Modern-day unsustainable, painfully mundane
Forgettable, gets old in a minute
Get sold to a label then never (See them again)

I spend all my time listening to guys who committed suicide
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